Saturday, April 28, 2007

Where'd My Rolling Clock Go? ARE 3.1 vs. 4.0

This is how I understand the new regime. Currently, ARE candidates are tested via Version 3.1, made up of nine divisions (CD, ME, MM, PD, BP, SP, GS, LF, BT). Version 3.1 will continue to be administered through June of 2009. Beginning July 2008, Version 4.0 will be administered and is made up of seven divisions (six divisions will now include both multiple choice and vignettes, SD will only have vignettes). This means that the two versions will overlap one year - July 2008 to July 2009. Go to NCARB's site, and read "direct Connection" (2007 Volume 10 Issue 1) for more specific info on the new combined divisions and all the details.

There are, however, a couple of kickers:

  • In order to continue testing with Version 3.1, a candidate must have passed one division by May 2008.
  • If you have not passed all of your exams by the end of June 2009, you may need to "...repeat previously passed content under ARE 4.0".
Watcha talkin' about, NCARB?! My take on this is: my five year rolling clock has now been reduced to two years! Mind you, I do not - repeat - do NOT want to take five looooong years to complete all nine divisions. But I certainly do not want to get cheated out of the allotted time frame if needed. After all, life sometimes gets in the way. Especially with the mandatory, ridiculous six month waiting period to retake an exam - five years may be necessary. In two simple words, this sucks! I'm not whining, I just do not want to have to "repeat previously passed content". Who is going to pay for my re-test, my study time, and my time off to re-take parts of the exam? My guess is: Not NCARB.

If they can overlap the versions one year, why not just take it a bit further and overlap until folks like me have completed their five year clock? If you have passed your first exam by the end of May 2008, then you should have five years from that date to complete all exams in Version 3.1. Yes, it will require some coordination and extra effort on NCARB's part. Yes, it may cost them a few extra bucks. NCARB charges way too much money for their inadequate study materials - perhaps they could use some of that money towards extending Version 3.1.

Extending Version 3.1 to correspond with the mandatory rolling clock will take a lot of coordination, but it's the right thing to do. In "direct Connection" (2007 Volume 10 Issue 1), it is argued that the new Version 4.0 is meant in part to save candidates time and money (fewer divisions = less travel time + less money in test fees), less time away from work, more consistency, etc.. Where are my savings by having to "repeat content?" What "content" would that be?

C'mon, NCARB! Step it up and do the right thing for those candidates stuck in the black hole between Version 3.1 and Version 4.0!

1 comment:

act-ex said...

The devil is in the details, right? I am also starting to take the ARE, and I'm facing a dilemma - should I study night and day to finish before 3.1 gets phased out, or should I try to work out some kind of transition? I wish NCARB would have let me take the ARE concurrently with IDP!

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